July 19, 2012
St John's
Today was my first full day alone. I was still working to be on Cranbrook time, so I woke up by 10:30am, and then got ready. Lori and I decided to drive down to Ferryland, which was one of the original settlements in Newfoundland, and therefore North America.
St John's
Today was my first full day alone. I was still working to be on Cranbrook time, so I woke up by 10:30am, and then got ready. Lori and I decided to drive down to Ferryland, which was one of the original settlements in Newfoundland, and therefore North America.

Before Lori was ready I decided to go and get oatmeal for breakfast. Because yesterday's wasn't exactly right. They put way too much sugar in it when I asked for sugar on the side! It still satisfied though, but I wanted more. So I went to Tims #1. No oatmeal. Then I drove to Tims #2. No oatmeal. Then I went across town to Tim's #3. No oatmeal. By this time I was ready to give up and go to the Tims that I had gone to before but all the previous times before, they did something wrong. So, I stayed with my stubborn ways and found one more Tim Hortons. Tim's #4 had a rude lady taking orders. The poor older guy in front of me kind of got a lecture. So when I went up, I was not going to take anything! I just wanted porridge. So I asked, and guess what? She says, "We stop serving porridge at noon... Can I help who's next?!" Um no, that won't fly. So, I looked at her and asked for a croissant and chocolate milk instead. She was obviously annoyed that I was still standing there, but she got it for me anyway. I kind of enjoyed her annoyance. What a rude lady. Her dog must have died that morning or something!
After my failed hunt for oatmeal, I went to pick Lori up for our road trip. We drove down to Ferryland, went by the lighthouse, took pictures and had a little picnic.

After that, I had a very relaxed evening packing and cleaning the car for my trip home tomorrow. I am so excited to go home! Yet a little nervous. This trip has become my comfort zone, and as much as I miss home, it will be so strange to go back! But it is so welcomed! It will be very fun!! July fest, then back home to Saskatoon to pick up my little puppy Ryder! (that's the name I'm going with at the moment... We will see) There were so many moments where I thought this trip would never end, and there were days I had to call mom or dad, or anyone just to give me motivation to keep going, but I got there. I made it, and I am so happy I did. What a life changing trip.
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