July 8, 2012
Youngs Cove Motel- Moncton
Today was so much fun!!!! I woke up nice and early and got on the road so that I could meet with David and Katie nice and early!! I was so excited, but I was 90 km away so I had a lot to do before I got there. I really realized that I just have to keep on peddling. Time goes by so fast that if I don't keep peddling I will completely miss my goal. I can't believe I'm already almost done! It is incredible how fast time flies!
I pulled into Dave and Katie's place at 12:45pm! 2 hours sooner than I thought I would be! And I even stopped to get icecream!! It was great! I literally attacked Dave! I was on the phone with mom and I ripped my head phones out of my phone running at him! It was so good to see two people that I know so well!!!! I also got to meet Sarah, Katie's friend! We had such a good time.

A giant potato and lobster!

Then we went to the beach. That was my first moment in the Atlantic ocean!!!!! 63 days later!!!!

It was incredibly over whelming!!!! I was so happy! We sun tanned and played in the water. As we were grabbing our things, my bathing suit top broke! It was so funny! It took all of us girls to get it tied up again! That's what you get with a Walmart bathing suit!! Haha of course that would happen to me. Then we all went out for lunch at the marina and I had a seafood chowder festival first place winner! I was delicious! Then we all jumped off the Warf, and had icecream!

After the ocean we finally got back for dinner at Katie's. We played washer toss and had some sangria's. It was great!!!! What a perfect Sunday! It was amazing to stay with the Hamar's and be with great friends.

Lobster chips? Lobster everything!
I really saw this day as the beginning of the end of my trip. It's so exciting I can not believe where I am and where I came from!
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