July 9, 2012
Moncton- Shediac
Well, today was definitely a half day... I got up, showered, and went for breakfast with Katie. The place we were going was still closed, so what did we do? We went shopping. We had so much fun! Then we went there for lunch and I got a delicious crepe!!! It was so good! We went back to her place by noon and I was off by 2pm! But it was so good!
It really has worked out because I found a campground just past Shediac where we were the day before and where Dave and Katie worked. This campground was spaced perfectly so that I would get into town around the time my mom does! I am so excited to see her!!!!!!! I can not wait!!!!!
I'll go into more detail about Shediac; Yesterday I was quite distracted and having so much fun! So I couldn't get it all out! Shediac is the lobster capital of the world! There is lobster everything there! Even lobster flavored chips! Everyone is in such a laid back mood and not worried about anything. It's really nice!
When I was there waiting for Dave to be done work, I ran into these older guys at a gas station. They were so surprised! I guess they passed me in Salisbury, right before Moncton. Then they saw me in Moncton, and now in Shediac! They were so funny. They were so confused and all of us were laughing that I was keeping up to them when they were driving! It was pretty funny.
When Dave got off of work we went for appies at the Bayou. We sat and chatted for 4 hours, reminiscing and laughing about our old "wolf pack", Andi, Boomer, Dave and I when we all played volleyball for the girls and guys team at the college. It was so sad leaving! I really didn't want to!
Then I biked 8 km to Ocean view campground, who gave me a beautiful sight for free!! Dave said I will see some stunning sunsets, and last night was no exception. It was incredible! Such a great half day! And tomorrow I see mom!!!!!!! So excited! I've really learned on this trip that it is not about the place you are, what truly matters is who you are with.

Congratulations Kieren you are almost done! I have enjoyed reading all of your posts and look forward to hearing about your experiences when you are back in Cranbrook. Kieren you are truly an amazing young woman and an inspiration. Take care on the last leg of your journey and enjoy every minute.