July 4, 2012
Saint Andre - Notre dame du lac
I feel terrible! I had a radio interview this morning because I was going to cross over into New Brunswick, but I didn't get there! I got very distracted in Rivière du loup!
I started this morning completely refreshed after such a scary night. At 8am I went down and met Daniel, the B&B owner, for breakfast. He is such a lovely man!

He was so excited that he was remembering English words! "Oh, I am good today", he exclaimed after he explained the meal in pretty good English. Breakfast was in the art gallery and it was a 3 course breakfast.
We started with fruit, and freshly squeezed orange juice, and then home made breads and crossaintes with home made jams. Then, an omelette and fresh cut potato squares. So good!

I also got a history lesson from Daniel. The plums used in the jam came originally from France, and are grown right in his area. He even has a tree! He also explained that the houses and properties are in long lines backing onto the river so houses can be closer together, which is a method used in France. Quebec people are very protective of their heritage because everything about it is so unique and easy to lose.
After paying what seemed like nothing for such an important and incredible stay, I was on my way. Daniel packaged a container of plum jam for me too!

My lovely hosts

I passed through saint Andre right away, and felt so good about everything! Maybe it was because I ate a lot yesterday and was fueled up. Or maybe it was the sun and beautiful churches. Or the excitement of a new province. I powered the 35 km to rivière du loup! If I continued like that I would definitely make it to edmundston tonight.

In rivière du loup I went to the Tim Horton's and got a chocolate milk and blogged. Then I met William, and that's where I got distracted. William is on a cross Quebec trip training for his tour in France, which he is doing for his 65th birthday! He has logged 38,000 km on his bike, with one flat! What the hell! I want those tires! He and I chatted about pretty much everything, and then all of the sudden it was 1:30pm! Crap!
William and I biked over to the information center so I could get information on the bike path that takes me to Edmundston. When we pull up, there is Annie!!!!! I thought I wasn't going to see her again! From rivière du loup she is taking a completely different path than me, so that was our last chance to see each other!!!! I was so excited! We caught each other up on the trip from Ottawa 'til rivière du loup. It was great! But then, 2.5 hours later than I thought, I was heading out from the information place. I was heading south, and Annie and William were heading east.

Getting out of rivière du loup means climbing this gigantic hill. I mean huge hill. I've never seen one like that in a town before. Saskatoon people, think Ravine with a 12% grade instead of a 6ish, and twice as long. Cranbrook people, think of biking all the way up Gold Creek but instead of a 5ish % grade, a 12. 12% in a city! Huge. But the bike route took me on switch backs so it wasn't as steep. I don't think I would have been able to push my bike up that let alone ride it!

Then I got to the top, and the beginning of my journey on the path. I thoroughly enjoyed the bike path for the first part. There were lots of people on the path and the gravel was thin and rideable. It was sunny and beautiful! There were even little cafes on the path! But about 20 km out of rivière du loup there was hardly anyone on the path, and it was thick gravel. I was hardly moving because of the gravel, so I trekked a way to the highway and continued on. I had amazing shoulders! It was great!
After a good chat with mom, dad, and Michelle, I pulled into Norte dame and knew I had to camp here. The sun was setting fast. I went and ate on the marina, and then showered and set up my home.

Guess what!! I'm about 2.5 hours away from Edmunston. Haha great! That's ok, bigger days for the next couple to catch up! I'm ok with that. Chatting with William and Annie was worth it. I have heard New Brunswick will be quite a lonely stretch. I think 2 days without a town? That will be so hard for me. I need people in my life! So it's going to be quite a quiet stretch!

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