July 16, 2012
St. John's
Today was so much fun!!! We woke up and took Medel to the airport. It was sad to see him go, but I'll see them all again soon! Then Mom and I went to Tim's and then went to wake Elle up with coffee. It didn't work. Our 7 am plan turned to 9:30 am.
We ended up going to Cape Spear at around 10 am, and we brought Anthony and Lori with us. Anthony had lost his wallet there, so he had hoped to find it. We searched high and low for it, but couldn't find it. So we went to deal with that. We drove up to where google maps said the RCMP was, but it was a post office. They sent us to the other side of town, and we found the RCMP, but that ended up being the headquarters. They sent us downtown, back to where we started, and Anthony got a piece of paper saying he was him... We went to Sobey's, got lunch, and sat in a park eating lunch and drinking wine! It was fun! Then we went to the Quidi vidi brewery, and got some little souvenirs.

I found a lighthouse!

We started driving downtown and we really wanted to shop. So we stopped and let Anthony and Lori off for their own things and we went shopping. It was fun, but we tired ourselves out!

After El and mom snoozed, and I repacked, we went out for a lobster dinner at the Keg. El got us a discount and it was so good! We sat there for hours, laughing and taking pictures. It was so much fun! Then we went back to the hostel and looked at the pictures and laughed for so long!!! What a good day!

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