June 23, 2012
North Bay - Stonecliffe
So I found out today that the day before yesterday the temperature had reached 44 degrees at one point. Holy crap I biked through that?!
Today was a great day. I had another close call! But I'll get to that in a second.
Today I woke up a little later than I wanted to, and struggled to leave the hotel. Both physically and mentally. I woke up, packed up, and went down for breakfast at 7 am. Then I went back to my room and crawled into bed, not wanting to leave this amazing hotel room. Then, when I finally got going, at 8:45am, it took forever to get out of the room. I took three trips, one for my bag and gear, one for the trailer, and one for my bike. The new receptionists must have thought I was a crazy person. Finally, at 9:30am (45 minutes later) I was ready to bike.
I biked 65 km to Mattawa for lunch. Mom was on her way from Ottawa, so I waited there a little bit for her. It was SO good to see her!!!! I was so excited! We had such a good time.
North Bay - Stonecliffe
So I found out today that the day before yesterday the temperature had reached 44 degrees at one point. Holy crap I biked through that?!
Today was a great day. I had another close call! But I'll get to that in a second.
Today I woke up a little later than I wanted to, and struggled to leave the hotel. Both physically and mentally. I woke up, packed up, and went down for breakfast at 7 am. Then I went back to my room and crawled into bed, not wanting to leave this amazing hotel room. Then, when I finally got going, at 8:45am, it took forever to get out of the room. I took three trips, one for my bag and gear, one for the trailer, and one for my bike. The new receptionists must have thought I was a crazy person. Finally, at 9:30am (45 minutes later) I was ready to bike.
I biked 65 km to Mattawa for lunch. Mom was on her way from Ottawa, so I waited there a little bit for her. It was SO good to see her!!!! I was so excited! We had such a good time.

The roads from Mattawa to Stonecliffe were by far the worst roads I have been on yet. The shoulders were just as non-existent as with dad, but it was all chopped up and waiting for construction. It was so brutal. I had no where to bike except on the road a little bit. It was scary but with mom behind me it was ok. Then I came up to this guard rail, so mom had to wait before the guard rail until I passed. All the sudden I hear this huge honk behind me. I look up, and by the honk I knew there was a semi behind me too. I instantly took a 90 degree turn into the guard rail. If I turn with less intention I run the risk of my bike sliding out underneath me and my head being under the semis wheels. So I turned fast and hard. Literally milliseconds after, two semis past me from behind as the one ahead passed as well. With two semis on that road, their tires were on the gravel, and they would have had no choice but to hit me if he wouldn't have honked and I wouldn't have swerved fast. I have no idea if mom honked, I couldn't hear her car over the semis. "Near miss" as mom put it. It was way too close of a call.

After the incident a little ways up this couple passed us in their car. Mom was ahead of me, because of the roads being so chopped up she had to leap frog me. This car pulled up to her and she panicked thinking I was hurt, but they were a couple from North Bay that wanted to give a donation! Too nice. When they passed me again they both gave me a thumbs up!

A few km after that the roads were not getting any better and we were losing light. I put my bike in the car and we drove 3 km up to the general store in Stonecliffe. The sign outside the general store said something about cheese curds. Mom, who has made friends with absolutely everyone at every stop, asked him about cheese curds (we don't get them in Saskatoon or BC), so we had to try them. Then, he said "now all your missing is chips, pepperettes and beer!" and guess what my mom got? Yup. Chips pepperettes and beer! Haha. There wasn't many groceries there, so we got Kraft dinner for dinner. It led to one healthy dinner! But that's ok, I need calcium. And after today? I need beer too!

Cheese curds!

Tonight we stayed at Pine Valley Resort. We have a beautiful cabin over looking the lake and they gave it to me for a discounted price! Brent and Nicole own the place and Brent's father was a prostate cancer survivor. They take such good care of the place and it was such a pleasant stay.

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