June 9, 2012
Dryden - Ignace
Today I don't have much to write. I woke up, Annie left a little earlier than me, and I ate at 7/11 for breakfast because I was craving cereal and milk. In the end that wasn't smart, but it was delicious.
It was really hilly and buggy all the way to Ignace. I had my bug net on my head again. I'm really starting to struggle with enjoying myself outside with these bugs constantly swarming. The little black flies find ways inside your clothes and the big black flies just bite you through your clothes. There is no escaping them, and I have extremely itchy bites everywhere right now. Very unpleasant. I understand why (between Annie and I) we have been the only tenters out. Everyone just hides away.
At about 80 km I really started to crash. I didn't really eat many carbs for dinner and my breakfast was terrible, so I struggled with the next 20 km. When I got their I celebrated! I ate at the burger and scoop and had perogies and fries with a greek salad. I really carb loaded. Then I went to Davy Lake Camground for the night. Annie was there, but she decided to keep on going.

I have not been feeling too well for about the last week but it really hit me yesterday, so I stayed here, planned my route (with an awesome website www.canadabybicycle.ca) and had a 12 hour sleep!!! Beautiful!
Dryden - Ignace
Today I don't have much to write. I woke up, Annie left a little earlier than me, and I ate at 7/11 for breakfast because I was craving cereal and milk. In the end that wasn't smart, but it was delicious.
It was really hilly and buggy all the way to Ignace. I had my bug net on my head again. I'm really starting to struggle with enjoying myself outside with these bugs constantly swarming. The little black flies find ways inside your clothes and the big black flies just bite you through your clothes. There is no escaping them, and I have extremely itchy bites everywhere right now. Very unpleasant. I understand why (between Annie and I) we have been the only tenters out. Everyone just hides away.
At about 80 km I really started to crash. I didn't really eat many carbs for dinner and my breakfast was terrible, so I struggled with the next 20 km. When I got their I celebrated! I ate at the burger and scoop and had perogies and fries with a greek salad. I really carb loaded. Then I went to Davy Lake Camground for the night. Annie was there, but she decided to keep on going.

Davy lake campgrounds gazebo. Where I spent all of my evening away from the ridiculous amount of bugs.

Got some face time with my mom!
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