June 16, 2012
Marathon - Obatanga Provincial Park
Today was long and hot. I was eavesdropping at lunch time and heard a lady say it was 31degrees in the shade! Crazy. That meant the bugs were out in full force. It was so good to have dad here so I could escape the heat and bugs. I had a good snooze around 50 km in the air conditioned car.
Marathon - Obatanga Provincial Park
Today was long and hot. I was eavesdropping at lunch time and heard a lady say it was 31degrees in the shade! Crazy. That meant the bugs were out in full force. It was so good to have dad here so I could escape the heat and bugs. I had a good snooze around 50 km in the air conditioned car.

We took quite a few stops along the way so I could escape the heat. Every 25 km we would stop. We stopped at White Lake Provincial Park to have a quick pee/water break, and I melted their ice when I was cooling myself down. The ice box was so nice!

We also stopped in White River where the story of Winnie the Pooh was originated. Winnie the Pooh was named after Winnipeg, but lieutenant Harry Colebourn (who was from Winnipeg) purchased Winnie in White River, and she became the mascot for the troops. When the lieutenant served in France from 1914 she went to the London zoo, where the author A.A Milne frequently went with his son, Christopher. That is the history behind Winnie the Pooh!

As we were sitting in the car in White River dad showed me a song about Lake Superior called "The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot on his iPod. Then all the sudden the song changed to "Ain't Nuthing Ta F*** Wit" by Wu Tang Clan. Oh my gosh that was the funniest thing I have ever experienced. If you have met my dad, you will understand why. Thank you Conor for making my day.
I have decided that if you want to see Canada, this is NOT the way to do it. Drive! Better yet! Be a passenger in the car! If your looking for an adventure, challenge, or to experience Canadian winds, hills, weather and environment, this is the way to do it. Don't bike, I pretty much only see cement. Going up hill you look at the ground in front of your bike, going down hill I personally can't look up much because my eyes water like crazy. I really got to look around in the prairies, but here all it is is hills! So I feel like I'm missing a lot! So I have already planned next years trip! A proper trip across Canada with a good friend. This time, driving.

Dad really wishes he was out biking and I really wish I was driving. I'm seriously thinking of letting him bike the 140 km day tomorrow... As a fathers day gift!!! I'm so giving.
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