June 8, 2012
Kenora - Dryden
Before I begin talking about today, I'll start with a quick update on the rest of last night. After I had blogged, and headed to bed, I was laying there and I heard "hello! Anyone home!?" outside my tent! It was Annie! We were so excited to see each other again that she must have sat with me hidden in the tent for a good 45 mins talking away before she went to shower and I went to bed.
Because of bears, I had to keep my food in the camper lodge. The lady working their said that she would be up at 6am to let me in to get my food because other then that they don't open until 9am and I wanted an early day so I could get further. At 6 am I went down to the camper center and it was still closed. I sat there for 10 minutes and she didn't show. So now, I was up, and I couldn't leave until 9!

But I fully used those three hours. I packed up my stuff before the rain hit, and sat in the shower room and charged my phone and slowly got ready for the day. Then I tried to map out and plan each day so I could estimate when I will be in North Bay to visit family. I had left a note for Annie, and she came by right before 9. She had to go to a bike shop, and probably spend the morning in Kenora. At 9 I went and grabbed my stuff. Then I went to Canadian tire and bought a good knife that's easy to open. I make my own luck. No more creepy nights. I thought about bear spray, but thought that in a rush I was more likely to spray myself than the attacking person or animal. I'd rather protect my bubble. Mike, if your reading this, I'm coming back to train with you guys!!!
This morning was a bit chaotic. After throwing a plate at breakfast (yes, I threw it. That's how clutzy I was this morning), and spilling water all over myself, I didn't have any cash to pay for breakfast. As I entered the cafe for breakfast I must have read 5 signs that said cash only and I started laughing to myself thinking people must have gotten the point. I had forgotten that I had paid for a cab into town and had no more cash! Idiot! The waitress laughed, and there was an ATM across the street. When I had gotten back, my breakfast had been paid for! Two gentlemen, Larry and Richard, that I had talked to about my ride earlier had paid for me! That was so nice to meet them, and so nice of them to treat me like that!
When I left the cafe I was a little confused where to go. But I followed the directions that one of the cab drivers had given me the night before. As I was biking down a big hill I saw Thomas (the French biker I met in swift current with Matt) biking up the hill! I got really excited but I was confused as to where he was heading. 10 mins down the road I realized I was heading west!!!! What a morning!!!! Back up that hill I went. I ended up leaving around 11:30am.
I ended up catching up to Thomas, and carrying on for half the day ahead of him. Then he caught back up and we biked most of the day together. Well, he was ahead of me, but it was kinda together!
Two quick things I'd like to point out before continuing about the end of my day. One is that Ontario is incredibly hilly. I never thought it would be this hilly but lots of the hills I'll be in my granny gear going up for ever!!! It's definitely comparable to BC. Maybe not the actual passes, and the hills are shorter, but they are definitely as steep! Beautiful though! The second thing is that I am concerned for some of the truckers around here, because today I was seeing some very dehydrated looking "water" Bottles on the side of the road *gag*.
Anyway, Thomas and I got into Vermillion Bay at around 5:30pm and went for dinner. Next thing we know there's Annie!!! We all ate and then Annie and I decided to keep going to Dryden and Thomas stayed in Vermillion Bay.

The ride from Vermillion Bay to Dryden is 40 km but it felt like nothing. Annie and I chatted the whole way there. It was great to be with someone again!! Then we got to the campground and got into bed. Tonight I also got a special phone call from Zoe from Oak Lake, Manitoba! It was lovely to talk to her again and hear about the school and the fair. She was so surprised that I was past Winnipeg! It was a lovely conversation with her and Jeff and it is lovely to hear from the people at Oak Lake still!!! Very supportive!
Pushing for another big day tomorrow! I just want to get to North Bay and see everyone!!!!
Kenora - Dryden
Before I begin talking about today, I'll start with a quick update on the rest of last night. After I had blogged, and headed to bed, I was laying there and I heard "hello! Anyone home!?" outside my tent! It was Annie! We were so excited to see each other again that she must have sat with me hidden in the tent for a good 45 mins talking away before she went to shower and I went to bed.
Because of bears, I had to keep my food in the camper lodge. The lady working their said that she would be up at 6am to let me in to get my food because other then that they don't open until 9am and I wanted an early day so I could get further. At 6 am I went down to the camper center and it was still closed. I sat there for 10 minutes and she didn't show. So now, I was up, and I couldn't leave until 9!

This morning was a bit chaotic. After throwing a plate at breakfast (yes, I threw it. That's how clutzy I was this morning), and spilling water all over myself, I didn't have any cash to pay for breakfast. As I entered the cafe for breakfast I must have read 5 signs that said cash only and I started laughing to myself thinking people must have gotten the point. I had forgotten that I had paid for a cab into town and had no more cash! Idiot! The waitress laughed, and there was an ATM across the street. When I had gotten back, my breakfast had been paid for! Two gentlemen, Larry and Richard, that I had talked to about my ride earlier had paid for me! That was so nice to meet them, and so nice of them to treat me like that!
When I left the cafe I was a little confused where to go. But I followed the directions that one of the cab drivers had given me the night before. As I was biking down a big hill I saw Thomas (the French biker I met in swift current with Matt) biking up the hill! I got really excited but I was confused as to where he was heading. 10 mins down the road I realized I was heading west!!!! What a morning!!!! Back up that hill I went. I ended up leaving around 11:30am.

Two quick things I'd like to point out before continuing about the end of my day. One is that Ontario is incredibly hilly. I never thought it would be this hilly but lots of the hills I'll be in my granny gear going up for ever!!! It's definitely comparable to BC. Maybe not the actual passes, and the hills are shorter, but they are definitely as steep! Beautiful though! The second thing is that I am concerned for some of the truckers around here, because today I was seeing some very dehydrated looking "water" Bottles on the side of the road *gag*.
Anyway, Thomas and I got into Vermillion Bay at around 5:30pm and went for dinner. Next thing we know there's Annie!!! We all ate and then Annie and I decided to keep going to Dryden and Thomas stayed in Vermillion Bay.

Pushing for another big day tomorrow! I just want to get to North Bay and see everyone!!!!
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