May 30, 2012
Saskatoon - Moose Jaw - Regina
Saskatoon - Moose Jaw - Regina

Today was sad, but good. I woke up in a rush from a late night the night before. The firehall and news reporter would be at the fire hall at 9:30am, and I woke up at 7:15am!! So I rushed getting ready, said goodbyes (so sad) and went to pick up dad. We had a great drive down, and the guys in Moose Jaw re-arranged for 10:30am. Then I had an interview with the Moose Jaw Times Herald ( ) and then I was off! Thank you again so much to the Moose Jaw firefighters for keeping my bike, and Steve, safe and sound!!

About 5 km out of Moose Jaw, I began missing my dad because a song came on that we were talking about. Then, maybe one song after that song had finished, dad pulls up!!!! I thought he had left! I was so happy to see him again!!! He brought me a sandwich, and then left for real.

About 5 km out of Moose Jaw, I began missing my dad because a song came on that we were talking about. Then, maybe one song after that song had finished, dad pulls up!!!! I thought he had left! I was so happy to see him again!!! He brought me a sandwich, and then left for real.

Man, driving that highway with mom on Sunday was SO much faster than biking it. It was crazy to have just recently been on it to compare speeds. And being back on the bike, it felt weird not wearing a seat belt! The wind was in my face a little, but the sun was so warm and it was good to get going again.
Once in Regina I met up with Megan Doyle for dinner. We had such a good time catching up! I hadn't seen her since gr 11 when she moved to Regina!!! We chatted until the restaurant was closing, and then I went to the campsite and set up my tent while she grabbed a jacket, and then she came to the campsite and we hid in the tent and chatted even more!!! It was so much fun to see her again. And this girl is possibly the biggest sweetheart ever. She paid for my dinner, her mom made me a care package, and then on top of all that, she stuffed a donation in my pocket and ran away. So glad we could catch up. Perfect day!!!
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