May 26, 2012
Swift Current - Chaplin
So, I cheated. I didn't get the chance this morning to go back and do the amount that I skipped. But eventually I will add an extra 15 km in (that's what it ended up being). Regardless, last night and today I was happy I cheated and found Matt. I know I would still be phoneless and Matt-less if I hadn't had gone with Melina.
Last night, there were these guys at the campground that freaked me out. I was definitely over exaggerating in my head, but they scared me. For 3 hours straight one of them would always be in the pay phone booth, and they would just stare at you as you went by. Super creepy to me. It was completely dark except the light in the booth so that made them look scarier. So last night I locked myself in my tent. It was definitely an illusion of safety, but it worked, I slept like a baby.
Swift Current - Chaplin
So, I cheated. I didn't get the chance this morning to go back and do the amount that I skipped. But eventually I will add an extra 15 km in (that's what it ended up being). Regardless, last night and today I was happy I cheated and found Matt. I know I would still be phoneless and Matt-less if I hadn't had gone with Melina.
Last night, there were these guys at the campground that freaked me out. I was definitely over exaggerating in my head, but they scared me. For 3 hours straight one of them would always be in the pay phone booth, and they would just stare at you as you went by. Super creepy to me. It was completely dark except the light in the booth so that made them look scarier. So last night I locked myself in my tent. It was definitely an illusion of safety, but it worked, I slept like a baby.

The next morning Matt and I took off at 9am for humptys. We didn't find it until 10:15am! We were pretty lost. Then by 11am we left.
We stopped for lunch in Herbert. We ate outside the grocery store and I bought blackberries and sweet peas. Delicious! Everyone was so nice in that town, except going into the town I really got creeped out. This older man drove by and whistled at me. Then he pulled a u-turn and followed me for about 5 minutes as I tried to find Matt. He would sit in parking lots and just watch me bike in circles. It freaked me out because I had my bandanna over my face, so he couldn't see what I looked like, he just knew I was a girl. I panicked a bit, and was so grateful when I got to Matt.
Today we totaled 8 hour of cycling and finished only 90 km down the highway in Chaplin, plus the extra 5+ being lost in swift current. It is so hard to deal with going that slow. The wind is really taking a lot out of us! It's so hard to know how far we will get each day out here. It's really teaching me to be patient and flexible, which lets face it, those are two areas that I should probably work on! So At least I'm growing from this mentally and physically exhausting wind! Even Matt, who has done 160km days in the mountains and 140km days including a pass is exhausted after 95 km of biking in this wind. His goal was to get farther so he could reach Regina tomorrow, but he had to stop here as well. But at least tomorrow once I get to Moosejaw it will be a good break! Which my knees really need at this point! I can't wait!
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